Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Linda Welch's story...

audio link is hear...
How to relaunch a seminar


You are getting better and better at giving concise advice, but you're no Jay Abraham.

You need work Bennie, Ben.

In what ways might you get Linda the help she needs to successfully re-launch her seminar at a camp in Santa Barbara?

From what I can tell, Internet Marketers usually only attend Internet Marketing seminars. Sure, Kevin Wilke attended a few Peak Potential seminars, but he is extraordinary. And, he has had extraordinary results.

You haven't helped Linda bridge the gap, sweet-pea.

Maybe the solution is having Joost teach his online prospecting, revealing to America how he uses the Internet as his only means of prospecting for his $350,000+ NLP coaching business. That would appeal to both coaches and Internet Marketers. "It's worth testing." who says that? Dr. Conversion.

Now, how can you throw this idea by a bunch of Internet Marketers AND solicit their reactions? How can you test the appeal without doing a launch?

In what ways might you engage these marketers to help Linda? Linda Welch needs folks to mail for her in January.

Take care Bennie.

Love ya,


1 comment:

Ben Mack said...

Ben sounds almost autistic.

Well, he was never diagnosed as such, but it was almost an idiot savant type of behavior. The mind can do amazing things. People used to recite The Illiad from memory. That is a several-thousand-line poem.
Another thing trippy about Bucky: what he would say would often make me see things differently. For instance, I ended a sentence a several sentences ago, before you interjected, with “assuming you were on the same page.” Bucky would call this second-person-speak.

I could have said “assuming I was on the same page” because I was talking about my experience.

Bucky held that when people can’t talk in the first person, it’s a symptom of an inferiority complex or mild duplicity. Bucky thought about thinking. I rarely say the word, believe.

Bucky held that believing was inefficient thinking. You should know things or not know things, but what benefit has believing?

I believe Jesus is the only begotten son of God. I can’t prove it, so, I believe it.

Bucky would argue that you know Jesus is the only begotten son of God, because you have faith that it is so.

==>Structurally, it’s the same as knowledge because you treat this notion as fact.<==

Then, Bucky would be likely to go off on a Bill Hicks rant asking how his father’s Bible could be the literal word of God if it is the King James’ version.

My Bible isn’t King James’.

I know.