Friday, September 7, 2007

an inquiry into value migration...

value migration


Bennie Mack. Ben, Ben.

repeat after me...
"value migration."

have you read the book
by Harvard Press?

let me save you some

it's about information products

the very best thing about
the book is its title meme: Value Migration
Harvard is good like that.

you get the concept. When we transfer
specialized knowledge from one

into another, we have what's called...
Intellectual Capital.

Ben, that's what you do for a living.

==> You are doing something write to get the Gary Halbert meets Thomas Pynchon hear. Did i do that right?

what you should be re-reading is
Savage Girl by Alex...

Define "Paradessence" please.

when we worked together at CCEO
well, i don't want to go there

Your ticking clock is a good literary device, especially since it is real. But... 30 Days has September. And we're on day 7 = 23 days remailing, i mean remaining. RAW: fnord. + 31 =54

54 days. Your math is off. Your clock has an extra day in it...

The Second Skip-The-Skip

The purpose of our day-to-day calendar is to ensure regularity. The goal is that on January 1, we are always at approximately the place on our annual trip around the sun.

It takes Earth 365.24219 days to circumnavigate the sun, not quite 365 and 1/4 days. To make up for this fraction of a day, we add an extra day every four years. However, adding an extra day every four years would eventually through off our calendar from having January 1 reflect a specific portion of our trip around the sun.

So, in years divisible by 100, we skip the leap year. However, this too would be overcompensating for the discrepancy. In 2,000 years, January 1 would equal where we are now on Christmas, December 25. So, in 1582, Pope Gregory implemented a new calendar that skipped a leap year in years ending in 00, except those also divisible by 400.

In 1600, we had the first skip-the-skip of a leap year and in 2000, we’ll have the second.

Here's the love-poem Amy Gilbert
wrote you...

Thirty days hath September,
April, June, and November.
All the rest have thirty-one,
Except February alone,
Which has four and twenty-four
Till leap year gives it one day more.
Though double O years don't adhere,
And skip the twenty-ninth that year.
Every four of those years stray,
And have the leap year anyway.

you want a concert of noise ending
on the same beat.

of course, when you charge millions
of dollars for your services you
have to call it something fancy like

pretty clever, huh?

say it with me: "yes it is."

in a different way,

I love you,

p.s. you really should be renting "medium cool" from your local independent book store.

1 comment:

Ben Mack said...

"Thoughts" would limit memes to conscious ideas.

A meme is anything a mind replicates, from a song to the notion that Ford puts quality first, but it could also be a gesture or even seen in shifting proclivities.

Memetics is the study of memes as living organisms, primarily by applying the laws of genetics to ideas. In genetics, it is recognized that isolation breeds mutation.

In cultures, it was evident that separate societies developed separate languages.
Now add entrainment. Memes placed near each other have a tendency to meld. The Southern accent is an amalgamation between a British rhythm of speaking and an African rhythm. Funny. Despite the bigotry of many Caucasian Southerners, and their pride in distinguishing themselves from African Americans, a defining quality of a Southerner, their accent, was adopted from extended close proximity to Africans.

==> Anyway, back to April 6th, 1993.

After Bucky woke up from his dream about flying and Ginger Parker, Bill Scully came in and asked Bucky if he was sleeping. Bucky said yes, but that he was awake now, and asked him to turn on the light.

Bill offered him a smoke and they lit up. Bill asked Bucky if he was doing okay. Bucky said yes. Bucky told him about the dream. Bill said that he hadn’t seen him at the party, so he figured he would come by and see if Bucky was okay.

Bucky told Bill that if he had waited fifteen minutes, the dream would have had him fucking Ginger Parker. Bucky told Bill he was fine, he’d just had a long day and that if he didn’t fall back to sleep, he’d come over. Bill left.
Bobby chided Bucky for not telling Bill that he’d expected him to come over. Bucky got irritably bored with Bobby saying that if he was so confident in his intuition, that he’d have told Bill exactly what he’d been thinking. Bucky fell back asleep.

The previous summer, Bucky spent two months in Richmond Virginia with Bill Scully and Dave Williamson—Dave grew up in Richmond. That trip to Richmond tweaked Bucky’s perception and probably contributed to Bucky’s hospitalization.

Bucky began noticing fnords. He saw that many establishments near an area called The Bend had the word “Truth” with a capital “T” someplace, somewhere. Bucky didn’t know what this meant or where it came from. Dave didn’t know what he was talking about.

We call this patter recognition, seeing patterns in chaos. This leads to the creation of conspiracy theories.

There are patterns in mathematical chaos. Since they are ephermeral, only existing within ranges of space, time or other conditions, scientists were blind to them up until recently.

Truth with a capital “T” exists among other public symbolism. It is a conspiracy. And, if you are black and live in Richmond, it is dangerous to test this theory. The force is well known by local non-whites.

Bucky’s journal explains how Bucky explored the city’s museums and took a self-guided tour of Monument Boulevard, a beautiful tree-lined street with statues commemorating what, in the South, they call the War Between the States, which he’d been taught to call the Civil War. Each statue was embedded with hidden codes. If the warrior was looking north, they fought for the North and vice versa. They were all on horseback, and if the horse had his front hoof up, he’d been wounded in battle. If it was rearing, the rider had died in battle. At the very end of the boulevard was a monument to the whole war. This was a huge monument, the size of a small house. On its base these words appear: “We have lost a battle, but the war continues. Eventually, Truth will prevail.” Bucky saw, “Eventually, ‘Truth’ will prevail. That’s where it came from. This is the tag line for the KKK.” Truth with a capital “T” was a racist slur warning blacks to stay out.

You can still see this in Richmond?

To the best of my knowledge. But, Bucky started looking for secret symbols. His journal shows an increasing suspicion with the word welcome.

Why welcome?