Friday, September 21, 2007

fnords amongst us...


You are gaining a modicum
of traction.

“I hurt, too. That’s when I turn it up a notch. That’s exactly when you run the extra mile, do 1 more push-up, write 1 more blog and send 1 more email... This is the way of the Bad Ass.”

Howard, I expect more from you.

You, of all people, should feel morally obligated to warn readers about the 23 live fnords embedded in this material.

something like...

Consuming this material may be harmful to your status and safety.

Please read this entire manuscript before trying any of these stunts at home.
Use of these techniques will bring increased attention. Prepare accordingly.
Don’t pick and choose which of these techniques you will implement. After you have read this entire manuscript, either commit to following these instruction in order, in their entirety or stop reading right now.

Continuing to read is agreement of the previous important safety tips or we take zero responsibility for your outcomes.
Individual results may vary.

To uncover and weave your common-thread, please read three books...




1 comment:

Ben Mack said...

Part 2
It would take a war

"There is a theory which states that if ever anybody discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable. There is another theory which states that this has already happened."
-Douglas Adams

Back to Vonnegut's Bokonon from Cat's Cradle

Karass—Humans psychically directionally aligned. I’m beginning to suspect that Orson Scott Card is a member of my karass. Is “Card” his real name, or a play on words—Valentine was supposed to have written Ender’s story. Is Ender’s Game Orson’s Valentine Card? Ender’s Game introduces the concept of memetics. Speaker of the Dead—Is Jane not a conscious meme? Is memetics the recognition of an alien life form within us? What does it mean that I did a five-count like in Xenocide? Am I god-spoken without an adviser? Even if not my dupras, definitely part of my karass. I like her ass.